Tuesday, August 9

Top Ten Tuesday: Underrated Books

~Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.~

This week's topic is about books that you believe is underrated. I've been dying to do this list, because I believe there are a lot of books I adore, but are so underrated that it makes me a little mad. Enjoy! Make sure to list you're top 10!

1) Lauren Willig's Pink Carnation series - Her books are amazing! I haven't met many people who have actually read her books. I've been trying to get my friends to read her books. It's filled with comedy, adventure, romance, intrigue, history, and so much more!

2) Bookends by Jane Green - This is another great book that deserves its own movie! It's just a well-rounded book.

3) Night by Elie Wiesel - I know this is an "Oprah" book and is sort of well known, but how many people have you actually known to have read this? For me, I haven't heard of many people who have read it. 

4) Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith - A great book! It's just so intense and has a wonderful story anyone would enjoy. I heard that they were making a movie based on the book, but are they just rumors? Who knows

5) Gaelen Foley's books - I know that romance novels isn't everyone's cup of tea, but there is more to the plot of these books than it looks like. I just love her books. 

6) James Welch's books - Once you read one of his books you're addicted, but not many people have actually read his books. It's a shame, because his books are filled with more than just a story. It's so hard to explain, you just have to read his books.

7) Lakota Love Song by Madeline Baker - This is just a cute read and it'll make you blush a little bit. Many people just push this to the side and don't give it a chance, because it's just a romance.  

8) Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie -  My friend, Megan, introduced me to this book. I was a little reluctant to read it, but once I started I couldn't stop. Her writing is addictive. I loved that book!

9) Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - A lot of people don't like this particular novel by Miss Austen, but I simply adore it! I think it's highly underrated.

10) Castle of the Wolf by  Sandra Schwab - Another book that is overlooked, because it's a romance. It has more than just romance in it. It talks about deeper things then just love for another, it talks about loving yourself too no matter what. Inside beauty is just as important as outer beauty. 


I hoped you enjoyed my list! ^.^ I have a million others that I wanted to add, but it's just "top 10". Oh well. What books do you think is highly underrated?



Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I saw two copies of Child 44 today at the used book store within the library. I knew I should have nabbed one!

Here's my Top Ten post for this week: Top Ten Underappreciated Books
And don't forget to stop in and sign up to win in the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I think that Mansfield Park is a tough Austen book to get through. I'm glad to see it on your list.

My Head is Full of Books

Anonymous said...

I've read the entire Pink Carnation series in like, the last 2 months, lol. Really enjoyed them! I don't know too many other people that have read them though, must try and recommend them where I can.

Blodeuedd said...

I liked Mansfield Park until I saw this horrid teleplay from the 80s...horrid!

Carole Rae said...

Deb Nance, you should've! That's how I got my copy! It was on clearance and I turned out to love it!

Anne, it is a tough read, but I thought it was worth it at the end. ^.^

1girl2manybooks, yayy! Another Pink Carnation fan! It is a addictive series.

Blodeuedd, ooooh I think I know which one you're talking about. A friend of mine seen it and said it was awful!